Inclusion isDigitalisationand aGreen World

Placements - Individual & Group Mobilities
A Placement Abroad is important for your career
Mobility in Lanciano, Central Italy is not just about improving your language ability, it is an important opportunity for personal and professional growth. Our results since 2004, show that a sustained period abroad offers a concrete advantage against others in the work place, solid training in many skills, thorough language training and improved European integration.

Digital Enterprise
Digital Literacy in the 21st century are skills with a key role in our future society. Everybody will need digital skills and a flexible approach in their professional and personal lives.
The course is available in English, Italian, Spanish and Polish

Erasmus+ Club
Discuss, confront yourself and create an impact for a smart and inclusive world with up to 10 other European countries.
This initiative features a hybrid, digital, and face-to-face interactive conference, blending online and in-person elements for a dynamic and interactive international experience. Each session encourages collaboration across borders, fostering dialogue and shared learning to address key societal challenges. Join us to help shape a future where inclusion, innovation, and active citizenship thrive. New Erasmus Clubs soon -

- Entrepreneurial Skills
- Smart Working and Video Conferencing
- Interactive Games
- Tools for Training, Motivating participants and MOCC (Moodle)
We are located in Lanciano,
Chieti Province, Abruzzo,
Central Italy

Connect Abruzzo
Villa Andreoli 59/a, 66034 Lanciano (CH), Italia.
Tel +39 0872 43298
Part. IVA 01889030696