Digital Enterprise - Helping you work within Europe

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Digital Enterprise


Digital Enterprise

Digital Literacy and the 21st century skills have a key role in our future society. Everybody will need digital skills and flexible approach in their professional and personal lives. 

The development of these skills is crucial for an effective socio-economic inclusion and to foster the strenghtening of the digital competences, allowing greater synergies across all fields of actions concerning young people with special focus on autonomy, participation with active citizenship, notably for those at risk of social exclusion by enhancing critical thinking and media literacy, sense of initiative and promoting entrepreneurship education.

The participants to the course will learn new technical skills like vlogging, but also intra/entrepreneurial skills & coaching techniques to make them more employable in the future and put ideas into practice, it will also empower them to become active EU citizens & tackling challenges of discrimination and poverty through the aid of culture and vlogging and developed this into sustainability by promoting diversity, common values of freedom, enhancing critical thinking, media literacy & strengthening their sense of initiatives

Digital Enterprise is a pathway for personal development which will allow participants to reinfrorce their professional skills and soft-skills in the field of new digital media. 

The course is available in English, Italian, Spanish and Polish

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