Corsi di lingua senza la grammatica
Lingua senza Grammatica

Activities of language
Learning without Grammar
Training for educators
1. day
Travel, Arrival and welcome
2. day
Meeting other students from the country and “learning through doing”
to great and meet the other students.
Ice breaking coaching techniques.
Peer learning through other students of the Italian Language
3. day
“Learning through doing” – Sports day
activities will be done in a way that all students have to learn sport voculaborary whiles doing a sport activity.
Understanding of sport vocabulary
Understanding of doing things vocabulary
4. day
“Learning through doing” – Cooking and learning
Visit of an Oil mill and production of oil or in alternative wine and it’s vocabulary
Cooking together an Italian meal and learning the vocabulary
Intercultural evening with local students
5. day
“Leaning through doing” – Living museum Lanciano
Learning the history of the city and how to explain things
creating a treasure hunt
6. day
“Learning through doing”
creating a treasure hunt
Trying out the treasure hunt
Good bye, Departure, travel
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