WiWi - ConnectAbruzzo1

Connect Abruzzo Lanciano
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Created by
CPA di G Bomba
Wirtschaftswissen fur jedermann leicht gemacht
WiWi: development and strengthening of economic and financial skills!
The Wirtschaftswissen für jedermann leicht gemacht (WiWi) project was born from the collaboration between Preunec GmbH (Germany), TuF1rst Onlus (Italy), Haus Gutenberg Lichtenstein (Lichtenstein), Club Life Long Learning (Austria), Volkhochschule Bildungsinstitut (Belgium), Advisa Unternehmensberatung GmbH (Germany). The main objective of the project is to explain in a creative, simple and innovative way the fundamental elements of finance to support the management of daily life. The partnership has succeeded in creating a training course capable of supporting people in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences in economics and finance, in financial literacy.

During the project, an educational game, a training course, online games and videos and a newspaper "made easy" were produced and created.
WiWi Educational Game
The educational game "WiWi" was created to develop key economics and finance skills in an innovative, intuitive and fun way and to learn and strengthen basic and soft skills. Game completely downloadable in the German version on the website: www.wiwi-project.eu and in the Italian version by clicking here: Download here
Newspaper "Made Easy"
In the newspaper "Made Easy" you can find comics, crosswords, QE code and fundamental information for digital literacy, which is nowadays one of the basic skills necessary for everyday life. The newspaper is fully downloadable in the German version on the website: www.wiwi-project.eu
Training Course
The training course dedicated to the fundamental topics of economics and financial literacy. The course is divided into 5 basic modules: teaching materials, finance, insurance, budget, pension treatment. The modules were created in simple and straightforward language with keywords, explanations and images. Also included were dialogues, comics and videos that make the material easy to use and understand in order to make learning faster, more effective and more inclusive. The training course also included videos with short and immediate explanations, pedagogical units for teachers with homework and instructions. You can also find educational materials with interactive exercises to test knowledge and learning level. All material available on the website: www.wiwi-project.eu
Multiplier Event 14th May 2022
On May 14, 2022, an event was held in Lanciano to share the project locally. More than 50 people were present, including teachers, trainers, students. Also present were the mayor of Lanciano, the deputy mayor of Poggiofiorito, the School Ambassador of the Central Italy Abruzzo area. During the event the project was presented to those who did not know it, explaining the main objectives and the material that was created. Those present at the meeting were very impressed by the work done and asked for more information about the project.
All material available on the website: www.wiwi-project.eu
The material was created for the improvement and expansion of high-quality learning opportunities suited to the needs of people with limited economic and financial knowledge, thus fostering social inclusion through the development of key competences in economics and finance.

Created by
CPA di G Bomba
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